Rajasthan Skill and Livelihood Development Corporation LDC ग्रेड 1 Official Notification जारी Last Form Apply 15 May 2023 , RSLDC LDC Bharti 2023 Notification , Selection Process, LDC Bharti 2023 , Rajasthan LDC Bharti 2023 RSLDC
Rajasthan Skill & Livelihood Development Corporation राजस्थान कौशल एवं विज्ञापन विकास निगम निकाली भर्तियां विस्तार से नीचे देखें कौन कौन से पद में भर्तियां

यदि आप लोगों को फार्म भरना है एक एक चीज को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और दौरा पड़ने से पहले नोटिफिकेशन को जरूर देख लेना एक बार
राजस्थान कौशल एवं आजीविका विकास निगम द्वारा राज्य के बेरोजगार युवाओं के कौशल प्रशिक्षण की परियोजना के क्रियान्यवन हेतु निम्नलिखित पदों पर राज्य सरकार / केन्द्र सरकार / सार्वजनिक उपक्रमों/बोर्ड / संघ के योग्य एवं अनुभवी अधिकारियों / कर्मचारियों से विशेष चयन द्वारा प्रतिनियुक्ति हेतु आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किये जाते हैं :

नोट :-
1. विस्तृत विज्ञप्ति, शर्तों एवं आवेदन पत्र का प्रारूप www.livelihoods.rajasthan.gov.in विभागीय वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है। रिक्त पदों की संख्या कम या अधिक भी हो सकती है। जिसके अनुसार प्राप्त आवेदनो में से चयन समिति द्वारा चयन किया जायेगा
2. उपरोक्त सभी पद विशेष चयन से भरे जाने है।
3. विज्ञप्ति में दर्शाये गये पदों का पैनल तैयार किया जाएगा।
4. निगम द्वारा आवदेक के पैतृक विभाग (नियुक्ति अधिकारी) से अग्रेषित प्राप्त आवेदन पत्र पर ही विचार किया जाएगा।
5. आवेदन की अन्तिम तिथि 11/05/2023 है।
यह भी देखें आपके लिए जरूर : Click Here
6. निजी प्रतिष्ठानों में कार्यरत कार्मिक कृपया आवेदन नहीं करें।
Desirable for the post:
Serial no. 1, 2 & 4:
An officer of eligible Grade Pay from any Department/Corporation/Board/Organization of Govt. of India/State Government having relevant experience in the field of Rural Development, Skill Development, Project implementation General Administration etc.
Serial no. 3 & 5-11:
An officer of eligible Grade Pay from any Department/Corporation/Board/Organization of Govt. of India/State Government having relevant experience in the Department/field of Rural Development, Skill Development, Project implementation General Administration etc.
Interested candidates fulfilling the above desirables may apply.
Other conditions are as under:
1. “Grade Pay”: means Grade Pay of the post held by the officer in the parent organization but does not include Grade Pay drawn by the officer as per Assured Career Progression (ACP)/Selection Grade.
2. Equivalent Matrix Level of the respective Grade Pay shall be applicable for employees drawing salary as per Seventh Pay Commission
3. The number of vacancies may increase or decrease.
4. Proficiency in English, Hindi and Computer is essential.
5. Lien of the selected employee shall remain with parent department.
6. Selection would be based on interview by a committee constituted for the selection.However, all the powers to accept or reject application and the selection are reserved with the Managing Director, RSLDC.
7. Officers/Employees selected through Special Selection will get Special Allowance, as perrules.
8. Format of application may be downloaded from the official web sitewww.livelihoods.rajasthan.gov.in.
9. Application form duly filled & Forwarded by the competent authority should reach inthis office by 6.00 PM of 11/05/2023
Eligible officers/employees already working in the corporation and willing to apply forhigher post may also apply. They need not to submit NOC again from their parentdepartment, but other conditions of selection will remain same.
10. Incomplete application forms will be rejected. Therefore, applicants are advised toprovide all details.
11. Applicants may submit advance copy of the application, but their selection will besubjected to fulfilling all the requirements.
12. Applicant should submit certificate to the effect that No vigilance/disciplinaryproceedings are either pending or contemplated against him
13. Applicant will be required to submit, through his/her parent organization, Annual Performance Appraisal Reports of last seven years, as and when required by RSLDC.
14. Age Limit -The age of applicant shall not be more than 50 years as on 01.05.2023.
RSLDC Imp Link :
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Official Notification | Click Here |
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