राजस्थान पॉल्यूशन कंट्रोल भर्ती 2023 ऑफिशल नोटिफिकेशन जारी सभी विद्यार्थी यहां से करें आवेदन , RSPCB Bharti 2023 Notification , Syllabus , Eaxm Pattern, RSPCB JEE, JSO , Junior Assistant Bharti

Information regarding vacancies in Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board for which recruitment process is likely to be started shortly
Name of Post | No of Vacancy |
Law Officer-II (LO-II) | 02 |
Jr. Scientific Officer (JSO) | 52 |
Jr. Environmental Engineer (JEE) | 53 |
Junior Assistant (JA) | 45 |
Minimum Qualification:
Law Officer-II:-
Must be a Law graduate from a University established by law in India or its equivalent with three years course of proficiency degree.
Junior Scientific Officer:-
First Class M.Sc./M.S. in any branch of Chemistry/Soil Science/Environmental Science/Microbiology after B.Sc./B.S. in any discipline of Science from a University established by Law in India or a Foreign Qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
Junior Environmental Engineer:-
M.Tech./ M.E. degree in Environmental Engineering after B.Tech./ B.E. degree in Biotechnology/Chemical/Civil/ Mining/ Environmental/Textile Engineering from a University established by Law in India or Foreign Qualification recognized as equivalent thereto or a First Class B.Tech./B.E. Degree in any of the above branches of Engineering from a University established by Law in India or a Foreign Qualification recognized equivalent thereto.
Note: – If a class/division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be considered equivalent to first class/division. If a Grade Point System is adopted the CGPA will be converted to equivalent marks as per procedure adopted by the respective University/Institution.
Junior Assistant:-
A. Senior Secondary from a recognized Board or its equivalent examination,
B. “O” or Higher Level Certificate course conducted by DOEACC under control of the Department of Electronics, Government of India.
or Certificate course on Computer concept by NIELIT, New Delhi.
or Computer Operator & Programming Assistant (COPA)/Data Preparation and Computer Software (DPCS) certificate organized under National/State Council or Vocational Training Scheme.
or Degree/Diploma/Certificate in Computer Science/Computer Application from a University established by law in India or from an institution recognized by the Government.
Or Senior Secondary Certificate from a recongnized Board of Secondary Education in the Country with Computer Science/Computer Application as one of the subjects.
Or Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from a polytechnic institution recognized by the Government.
Or Rajasthan State Certificate Course in Information Technology (RSCIT) conducted by Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University, Kota under control of Rajasthan Knowledge Coroporation Limited.
(2) Working Knowledge of Hindi written in Devnagri Scripts and knowledge of Rajsthan culture.
Environmental Legislations in India. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, its amendments and various rules/notification made thereunder. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991, National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
Right to Information Act, 2005
Roles of judiciary in combating pollution, Social and Civil Society Movements in protecting environment, Concept of “Public Participation”, Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Role of Pollution Control Board, Policy statement for abatement of pollution-1992, Indian Judiciary on the salient attributes on Right to Environment, Rule of strict liability and its application in environmental jurisprudence
Judicial Activism, Traditional common and criminal law remedies available to the citizen for abatement of pollution, Legal and social challenges to the regulation of the ground water in India
Constitution of India with special emphasis on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and enforcement of right through writs, Functioning of Supreme Court, High Court, National Green Tribunal and various appellate authority constituted under Air Act & Water Act
Indian Penal Code, Civil Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code. Provisions required to be referred generally in Government Office will be given importance
Evidence Act, Limitation Act, Interpretation of Statutes, drafting and conveyancing, Environment Related Acts & Status, General Administration Law, Important Supreme Court & National Green Tribunal decision on Environment
National/International events related to environment and common understanding of environmental processes
General Knowledge (with special reference to history, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan), Mathematics, reasoning and current affairs.
Environmental General knowledge: This section will contain questions on National/International events related to environment and common understanding of environmental processes, National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, Pollution Indices.
Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Legislations in India: Basic concept of Environmental Impact Assessment and Environment Management Plan; Prediction and assessment of impacts on air, water, biota, noise, cultural and socioeconomic environment; Rapid and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environment (Protection) Act 1986, its amendments and various rules /notification made thereunder. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Water/Waste Water/Industrial Waste Water Analysis:
Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water, waste water and Sewage, performance evaluation of waste water treatment system.
Air and Noise Pollution: Sources of air pollution; Properties of air pollutants; Meteorological factors influencing dispersion of air pollutants; Gaussian plume model for dispersion of air pollutants and its application; Effects on human health. Control technology for particulate and gaseous pollutants from industries. Air pollution due to Automobiles and emission control; Principles of measurements and equipment use for major parameters (Water/Air/Noise); Basics of noise pollution, Measurement and management of noise and effects on human beings, Ambient Air Quality standards & Air Quality Index.
Municipal Solid Waste, Biomedical Waste, e-waste, plastic waste and Hazardous solid Waste: Problems associated with solid Waste viz; municipal, biomedical, hazardous, e-waste, plastic waste etc., its generation, classification, characterization, analysis, treatment, reuse, recycle etc; Risk associated with hazardous waste & its Assessment; Waste Minimization; Priorities in hazardous waste management; hazardous waste treatment.
General Knowledge (with special reference to history, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan), Mathematics, reasoning and current affairs.
Environmental General Knowledge: This section will contain questions on National/International events related to environment and common understanding of environmental processes, National Green Tribunal Act, 2010, Pollution Indices.
Water/Waste Water/Industrial Waste Water Engineering: Unit processes/Operations related to water and waste water treatment, namely Equalization Coagulation; Flocculation; Settling; filtration; Disinfection; Aeration; Adsorption etc. Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water and Sewage; Activated sludge process and its modifications; treatment ponds and aerated lagoons; Trickling filters; Rotating biological contactors; Sequencing Batch reactor and Membrane Batch Reactor.
Anaerobic digestion; Anaerobic filter and UASB, Nitrification & De- nitrification. Characteristics and treatment of waste water from Textile, Tannery, Dairy, Distillery, Pharmaceutical Industry, Organic Chemical, Vegetable Oil Refinery.
Air and Noise Pollution: Sources of air pollution; Properties of air pollutants; Meteorological factors influencing dispersion of air pollutants; Gaussian plume model for dispersion of air pollutants and its applications, Effects on human health. Control technology for particulate and gaseous pollutants from industries. Air pollution due to Automobiles and emission control; Basic of noise pollution, Measurement and management of noise. Permissible noise levels in different zones, Effects of noise on human beings, Ambient Air Quality standards & Air Quality Index.
Environmental Impact Assessment/ Environmental Legislations in India: Basic concept of Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Statement and Environment Management Plan; Prediction and assessment of impacts on air, water, biota, noise, cultural and socioeconomic environment; Rapid and comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment.
Environment (Protection) Act 1986, its amendments and various rules /notification made thereunder. Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
Municipal Solid Waste, Biomedical Waste, e-waste, plastic waste and Hazardous solid Waste: Problems associated with solid Waste viz; municipal, biomedical, hazardous, e-waste, plastic waste etc., its generation; classification; characterization; analysis; Onsite Collection Handling, storage Transport and Processing of solid waste; Recovery of Resources, Conversion Products and Energy generation from solid waste. Hazardous waste definition; Risk associated with hazardous waste & its Assessment; Waste Minimization; Priorities in hazardous waste management; hazardous waste treatment.
General Knowledge (with special reference to history, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan), Mathematics, reasoning and current affairs.
(i) Written Exam-
Environmental General Knowledge: This section will contain questions on National/International events related to environment
Hindi and English proficiency: CBSE/RBSE course upto 12th Standard
Basic fundamentals of computer, Window operating systems, word processing, spread sheet, presentation: History of computers, windows OS, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point
Basic of Data base management: Creation of data base, creation of tables, storing of data in tables, data modification and data retrieval, import and export of data
Basic of Internet Technology: Internet explorer, web surfing, search engine etc.
General Knowledge (with special reference to history, art, culture, traditions, literature, heritage and geography of Rajasthan), Mathematics, reasoning and current affairs.
(ii) Type test – Hindi and English
Likely date of examination:-
Between 15th Nov. 2023 – 31 st Dec. 2023
Imp Link
Official Website | Click Here |
Official Notification | Click Here |
From Apply | Very Soon |
Online form Date | Very Soon |
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JTA Bharti 2023 | Click Here |