RSMSSB JEn & Panchayat Raj JTA Bharti Notification जारी, RSMSSB JEn Bharti 2023 Notification जारी अधिक जानकारियां हेतु विज्ञापन जारी Rajasthan New Vacancy Details 2023

न्यूज By Pappu Ram Choudhary 22.04.2023 Latest Update
वित्त विभाग ने कहा है कि 548 पदों पर स्वीकृति देने में कोई दिक्कत ही नहीं है परन्तु विभाग नये 2100 JEn भी मांग रहा है और 3591 नये JTA भी मांग रहा है जो असंभव है। अतः वित्त ने कार्यरत योग्य JTA की संख्या मांगी और नये 2100 JEn व AEn व XEn का पदों का प्रस्ताव मांगा है उसके बाद इस पर discuss किया जायेगा कि इतने पदों की कार्यात्मक आवश्यकता है या नहीं, अगर मंत्री जी नये JTA की जिद्द छोङते हैं तो 2100+ पदों पर स्वीकृति मिल सकती है और उसमें से योग्य JTA के पद अलग रखकर शेष पद सीधी भर्ती के लिए भेज दिये जायेंगे। अगले 15-20 दिनों में फैसले कर लिया जायेगा।
Manoj Meena : राजस्थान JEn भर्ती को लेकर बड़ी अपडेट मनोज मीणा आज सचिवालय में मिले उसके बाद उन्होंने सारी जानकारी बताएं कि JEn भर्ती की भर्ती लगभग 800 से 900 पदों पर भर्ती जारी की जाएगी
लेटेस्ट अपडेट

कमेंट भर्ती में यह सब शामिल होंगे : WRD,PWD,PHED, Panchayatiraj यह सभी
Video के लिए नीचे लिंक दिया गया है
Radhe Meena Update : Rajasthan New JE Recruitment जारी होगी मई लास्ट या जून में
Total Number Of Post JE : 800-900 Post
JEN भर्ती WRD 150 PWD 50 लगभग पदों पर अभ्यर्थना बोर्ड को भेजी गई है ॥
jEN recruitment WRD 150 PWD 50 approx posts application sent to the boardIs.
Public Work Department ( PWD ) : 50 Post
WRD : 150 Post
WRD कनिष्ठ अभियन्ता | NTSP | TSP |
सिविल (डिग्री) | 70 | 25 |
सिविल (डिप्लोमा) | 34 | 05 |
यात्रिक (डिग्री) | 08 | – |
यात्रिक (डिप्लोमा) | 08 | – |
Total Post = 150 | 120 | 30 |
जल संसाधन विभाग में कनिष्ठ अभियंता सिविल और यांत्रिकी डिग्री के कुल 106 पद और डिप्लोमा के 86 पद रिक्त है इस प्रकार कुल मिलाकर के 189 पद रिक्त है जल संसाधन विभाग में

Total Number Of Vacancy : 200 Posts
RSMSSB JE Recruitment 2023- Eligibility
The candidates must hold the required academic qualification and age limit to be eligible for RSMSSB JE Recruitment 2023
RSMSSB JE Education Qualification
Candidates should have a Degree in Engineering /Diploma in the concerned discipline from a recognised Institution /University. The details related to Educational Qualification is given below:
Post Name | Qualification |
JE Civil Degree | Degree in Civil Engg. |
JE Civil Diploma | Diploma in Civil Engg. |
RSMSSB JE Recruitment 2023 Age Limit
Not below 18 years and not above 40 years as on 01.07.2023. The age relaxation for govt Rules
RSMSSB JE Exam Pattern 2023
Candidates will be selected on the basis of written examination
- it is an objective-based examination to be completed in 2 hours.
- The exam is to be conducted in offline mode.
- There will be 2 sections- General Knowledge and Engineering subjects with a weightage of 40 marks and 80 marks respectively.
- A deduction of -0.33 marks for every incorrect answer.
The following table will describe the exam pattern of the RSMSSB JE Exam Pattern
Time : 2 Hours / 120 मिनट
Sections | Area | Questions | Total Marks |
General Knowledge | Rajasthan State | 40 | 40 Mark |
Engineering Subjects | Civil | 80 | 80 Marks |

RSMSSB JE Syllabus 2023
To qualify in RSMSSB JE written test, the candidate has to be well-prepared with RSMSSB JE Syllabus 2022 which has been discussed in the below section for your reference.
RSMSSB JE Syllabus 2023 for General Knowledge
General Knowledge covers all the current news of every sector including social, economic, political, and cultural. But here the candidates need to prepare for all this section of the Rajasthan state only. The following sections asked in the general knowledge part:
History of Rajasthan
Art of Rajasthan
Culture & Traditions of Rajasthan
Heritage of Rajasthan
The Literature of Rajasthan
Geography of Rajasthan
Economy – Rajasthan & India
Rajasthan and India’s science and technology
RSMSSB JE Syllabus for Civil
Branch | Important Topics |
Civil Engineering | 1. Irrigation engineering 2. Transportation engineering 3. Building materials, 4. estimating 5. Surveying 6. Environmental engineering 7. Costing and valuation 8. Hydraulics Soil mechanics 9. AutoCAD |
RSMSSB JE Salary 2023
The candidates who cleared the exam for the post of Junior engineer in Rajasthan will be offered the following perks and incentives and it also including house rent Allowance, Dearness Allowance, Travel Allowance, Medical Facilities and Leave Travel or Tour Allowance:
Pay | Amount |
Basic Salary | Rs. 29,100 – Rs. 1, 04, 400 |
Grade pay | Rs. 5, 400 |
Net Salary | Rs. 33, 800 |
Dearness Allowance | Rs. 23, 730 (30% of net salary |
Latest News 10 May 2023

RSMSSB JE Imp Date & link 2023
Official Website | Click Here |
Official Notification | Next Month |
Online Form Apply | Next Month |
Telegram Join Daily Update | click Here |
WhatsApp Group join | Click Here |
Roadways Vacancy | Click Here |
Video link Manoj Meena : Click Here
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