Rajasthan High Court LDC Cut Off Expected 2023
Pursuant to advertisement No. RHC/Exam cell/JJA & Clerk Grade-II/2020/282dated 19.03.2020, It is NOTIFIED to all concerned that result of written test of recruitment to the post of the Junior Judicial Assistant for the establishment of Rajasthan High Court, Junior Assistant for Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority & District Legal Service Authorities (including TLSCS & PLAS) and Clerk Grade-II for Rajasthan State Judicial Academy & District Courts, 2020, held on 12.03.2023 & 19.03.2023is hereby declared.

The candidates up to 05 times of the total number of vacancies (Category wise) & all those candidates who secure the same percentage of marks, have provisionally qualified the Written Test are eligible for appearing in the Computer Test (Speed and Efficiency Test).
इस में कट ऑफ GN/UR से अधिक जा सकती हैं टाइपिंग के लिए परन्तु अन्तिम मैरिट सूची में UR से अधिक नहीं जा जा सकती है
NTSP Cut Off Expected
S. No. | Category | Cut-Off Marks |
01 | General | 192-197 |
02 | General (Widow) | 130-133 |
03 | General (Divorcee) | 163-168 |
04 | Scheduled Caste | 198-202 |
05 | Scheduled Caste (Women) | 196-200 |
06 | Scheduled Caste (Widow) | 115-119 |
07 | Scheduled Caste (Divorcee) | 155-160 |
08 | Scheduled Tribe | 187-192 |
09 | Scheduled Tribe (Widow) | 118-121 |
10 | Scheduled Tribe (Divorcee) | 120-123 |
11 | Other Backward Class-NCL | 215-220 |
12 | Other Backward Class-NCL (Women) | 213-216 |
13 | Other Backward Class-NCL (Widow) | 153-154 |
14 | Other Backward Class-NCL (Divorcee) | 199-203 |
15 | More Backward Class-NCL | 195-200 |
16 | More Backward Class-NCL (Women) | 193-196 |
17 | More Backward Class-NCL (Widow) | 143-147 |
18 More | Backward Class-NCL (Divorcee) | 134-137 |
19 | Economically Weaker Sections | 217-220 |
20 | Economically Weaker Sections (Women) | 215-217 |
21 | Economically Weaker Sections (Widow) | 131-135 |
S. No. | Cut-Off Marks | Category |
1 | 210-213 | General |
2 | 168-171 | Scheduled Tribe |
S. No. | Category | Cut-Off Marks |
1 | General | 190-193 |
2 | General (Women) | 174-177 |
3 | Scheduled Tribe | 134-137 |
4 | Scheduled Tribe 04 118 (Women) | 115-117 |
S. No. | Category | Cut-Off Marks |
1 | General | 190-195 |
2 | General (Women) | 182-186 |
3 | Scheduled Tribe | 152-156 |
4 | Scheduled Tribe (Women) | 137-141 |
5 | Scheduled Caste | 177-180 |
6 | Scheduled Caste (Women) | 148-151 |
High Court LDC Imp Link & Date
Official Website | click Here |
Result Date | 19 April 2023 |
Answer key Official | 20/03/2023 |
Telegram Join | Click Here |
WhatsApp Group join | Click Here |
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