AIATSL एयरपोर्ट में भर्ती निकाली हुई है जो विद्यार्थी आवेदन करना चाहता है वह सीधा इंटरव्यू में पहुंच जाता है पूरी जानकारी आपको नीचे प्रोसेस की है ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें

इसकी लास्ट डेट निकलने के बाद किसी भी प्रकार का कोई इंटरव्यू नहीं होगा इसलिए आप लोग ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें और इंटरव्यू देने पहुंचे
यदि आप लोग इस जॉब के लिए इच्छुक नहीं है तो अपने दोस्तों को भी बता सकते हैं
अभी-अभी एयरपोर्ट वाली भर्ती चेन्नई और वाराणसी में चल रही है
इसमें कोई परीक्षा नहीं होगी क्या भाई केवल आपका नाम पता पूछा जाएगा इसी से आपका सिलेक्शन होगा
Total Post : 531 ( Channai & Varanasi )
दूसरे राज्य के विद्यार्थी भी आवेदन कर सकते हैं इन भर्तियों में
यहां से ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़ें


Education Qualification & Age Limit :
Customer Service Executive :
Graduate from a recognized university under 10+2+3 pattern.
Preference will be given to candidate having Airline/GHA/Cargo/Airline Ticketing Experience or Airline Diploma or Certified Course like Diploma in IATA – UFTAA or IATA –FIATA or IATA – DGR or IATA CARGO.
Should be proficient in use of PC.
Good command over spoken and written English apart from that of Hindi.
Ramp Service Executive :
3-years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government
ITI with NCTVT (Total 3 years) in motor vehicle Auto Electrical / Air conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench fitter / Welder, (ITI with NCTVT – certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational education and training of any State / Central Government with one year experience in case of welder) after passing SSC / Equivalent examination with Hindi / English / local language as one of the subject.
Candidate must carry original valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License at the time of appearing for the Trade Test.
Preference will be given to the candidates conversant with the local language.
Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver :
SSLC /10th Standard Pass.
Must Carry Original Valid HMV Driving License at the time of appearing for trade test.
Preference will be given to the candidates conversant with the local language.
Handyman :
10th Standard Pass.
Must be able to read and understand English Language.
Knowledge of Local and Hindi Languages, i.e., ability to understand and speak is desirable.
Age limit : GEN: 28 Years , OBC: 31 Years , SC/ST: 33 Years
1. Customer Service Executive
(a)Personal Interview
(b)The company at its discretion may introduce Group Discussion, depending upon the response .The selection procedure would be conducted on the same day or on the subsequent day(s).
Outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging and boarding at their own cost, if required.
2. Ramp Service Agent/Utility Agent cum Ramp driver
(a)Trade Test comprise of Trade Knowledge and Driving test including Driving Test of HMV. Those passing the Trade Test alone will be sent for screening.
(b)Screening/Interview The selection procedure would be conducted on the same day or on the subsequent day(s).
Outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging and boarding at their own cost, if required.
3. Handyman
(a) Physical Endurance Test (like Weight lifting, running)
(b) Screening/Interview. The selection procedure would be conducted on the same day or on the subsequent day(s).
Outstation candidates are advised to make their own arrangement of lodging and boarding at their own cost, if required.
आप इन दोनों भर्ती परीक्षाओं में से किसी में भी आवेदन करना चाहते हो और इंटरव्यू देना जाना चाहते हो तो नोटिफिकेशन को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें नीचे दिया गया है आपको नोटिफिकेशन
Imp Link :
Walk-In Interview Recruitment Exercise at Chennai Airport Customer Service Executive – 17th April 2023 Junior Customer Service Executive – 18th April 2023 Ramp Service Executive / Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver – 19th April 2023 Handyman – 20th April 2023 | Click Here |
Walk-In Interview Recruitment Exercise at Varanasi Airport Customer Service Executive – 24th April 2023 Ramp Services Executive – 25th April 2023 & 26th April 2023 Utility Agent Cum Ramp Driver (UARD) – 25th April 2023 & 26th April 2023 Handyman – 25th April 2023 & 26th April 2023 | Click Here |
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